Online Lecture with Historian Roland Paul IMPORTANT UPDATE: Lecture will now be in English! „Die Auswanderung aus der Pfalz und der benachbarten Gebiete nach Nordamerika im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert“ "The Emigration from the Palatinate and the Neighboring Regions to North America in the [...]
Volkstrauertag Der Volkstrauertag ist einer der bedeutendsten Feiertage im deutschen Leben. Nicht nur gedenken wir aller unserer verstorbenen Angehoerigen und Freunden, sondern besonders auch der deutschen Soldaten, die in den Kriegen ihr Leben lassen mussten, gibt es doch kaum eine Familie, die nicht einen Vater, Sohn [...]
Advent Wreath Making Event Date: November 20th, 1:30 – 4:00pm Location: Germania Verein, 261 N. 2nd Street, San Jose, CA, 95112 Come and build your own advent wreath with the guidance of an instructor. Everyone will compete their own wreath. Materials provided, including seasonal decorations [...]
Choir members please join our last meeting for the year 2021. On the agenda: 1) Election of the Board of Directors for 2022, and 2) discussion and decision on our dues for 2022. We look forward to all members attending. The Zoom information for the [...]
Please join our Annual Shareholder and Membership meeting on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 1:00 This event will be held at the Germania Halle. Doors will open at 12:30. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Hildegard Wehner Proof of COVID-19 vaccination must be shown [...]