Latest Past Events

Monthly Membership Meeting

The Germania Verein Hall 261 N. 2nd Street, San Jose

The membership meetings take place on the first Sunday at 2PM  in person at the Club. All Members are strongly encouraged to join our monthly membership meeting. You will get important information about the business of the Germania Verein and news on the current and [...]

Board Meeting

The Germania Verein Hall 261 N. 2nd Street, San Jose

Please join us for the board meeting prior to the membership meeting. Please send a request to Ursula Richter or contact the board directly. This Sunday Board meeting is followed by the monthly Membership Meeting.

Stammtisch –

Do you want to keep your German Speaking skills up, then join us at our  Zoom Stammtisch. This is for non native speakers, who want an opportunity to practice speaking German. Topics of conversations are based on the interest of the participant. You do not [...]