Kaffeeklatsch – cancelled

The Kaffeeklatsch meetings are cancelled until further notice. There also will not be a Zoom meeting. The originally planned in person event in August had to be cancelled, due to the recent board decision to not hold any indoor meetings.  

Hawaiian Luau – event now in the Biergarten

The Germania Verein invites its members and their guests to a Hawaiian Luau on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at the Germania Biergarten Doors open at 11:30 Luncheon with Coffee and Cake! Dancer Jan Mere will perform! Hawaiian attire is encouraged! Free for members, $15.00 for [...]

Kaffeeklatsch – cancelled

The Kaffeeklatsch meetings are cancelled until further notice. The decision was made not to proceed with the Zoom meetings

Book Club – Author Susan Bacon reads from her latest Novel

German-American Author Susanne Bacon Reads from her latest Novel, “Greener Grass” (in English)  Zoom-Meeting for Germania Verein San José September 16, 2021  at  6 p.m. Pacific Time for the Zoom information send a request to director3@germaniaverein.org for more info click this link

Kaffeeklatsch – cancelled

The Kaffeeklatsch meetings are cancelled until further notice. The decision was made not to proceed with the Zoom meetings

Monthly Membership Meeting – Zoom only

All Members are welcome and strongly encouraged to join the Monthly Membership Meetings. Due to the board decision not to allow any in person meetings at the Club the membership meetings will be back to Zoom only meetings until further notice. For the Zoom information [...]

Germania Verein Deutschklasse


Germania Verein Deutschklasse (Germania German Class via Zoom) This group is for people who know a little/some German and want to improve their German language skills. Meeting time: Every other Monday starting September 20, 2021 (except summer and winter break) from 7:30pm to 8:30 pm. [...]

Stammtisch – Conversations in German

For an evening of conversation in German please join us at the Stammtisch. It is currently an online zoom event. To join the Online Stammtisch send a request for the meeting link and zoom password to: director1@germaniaverein.org.  For further info please contact Albert Zimmermann, albertzimmer@yahoo.com [...]